CR Medisystems Pvt. Ltd.
CR Medisystems
Relay of emergency calls to specified mobile numbers through SMS.
Alerts rescue team of physicians during an emergency through SMS on mobiles devices.




This Features allows the Hospital Matron, Superintendant or Administrator to monitor whether calls are being promptly attended and also receive daily reports of call traffic.

Of particular benefit to Hospital Managements which seek optimum use of their nursing resources. Useful tool in resolving patient complaints on promptness of nursing care.

The NCRM features are :

a)  Chronological logging of every call & consequent response action as registered on the system.

b)  logging by specified bed numbers.

  • The system logs time of call acknowledgement, call attendance & call completion.
  • The display also indicates the time gap between call initiation and each of the above follow through actions.
  • System allows setting up of time gap markers so that delayed response can be flagged.
  • System data is un-editable to prevent misuse.
  • Emergency & Code Blue calls are suitably flagged & tagged for future audit.
  • Connectivity with the hospital HIS.
  • Generates text and graphical reports on call traffic – hospital wide and at individual nurse stations.
  • Reports can help hospital managements deploy their nursing staff with more efficiency.



Enables visualization of the room & bed layout arrangement in the ward, which enables the nurse to quickly locate the calling bed within the ward.

Easy to read displays allows even a new nurse to quickly grasp the room/bed layout of the ward and attend calls promptly and accurately.

The main display screen is an LCD monitor.

When a call is registered, a large portion of the screen lights up depicting the ward layout plan with the calling bed brightly displayed along with its bed number.

A flashing code indicates if the nature of the call is normal or emergency.

For a large congested ward an automatic zoom feature narrows in on the calling bed for ease of location.

Portion on the right of the screen lists the calling beds in alpha-numerical format.

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