India produces an extensive range of goods to meet its domestic requirements. Much of this material can be economically sourced as well for markets in Asia , Africa and Latin America . Medisystems arranges supply of a broad list of Hospital, Laboratory, Medical, Scientific, Test and Electrical equipment for export from India. The following services are offered while sourcing such items :
Locating and evaluating original manufacturers.
Coordinating with the manufacturers with regard to :
- Adherence to specifications and quality.
- Adherence to delivery schedules.
- Organising installation, maintenance & service documentation.
Pre-delivery inspection and quality control and, if required, arranging for third party inspection by recognised international agencies.
Overseeing the rectification of defects, if any noted during inspection.
Supervision of packing including bulk pack consolidation. |
Arranging delivery of goods to the freight forwarder or to the godown / warehouse / despatch site, as specified by the buyer.
As some of the equipment sent overseas may require on-site erection, installation & commissioning, the buyer is expected to inform about the nature of technical manpower and facilities locally available for such purpose. Medisystems can quote for handling activities related to installation & commissioning, as well.
Medisystems also arranges with the manufacturer to either directly provide on-site product service support, or to assist the buyer in setting up local facilities for long term product support.
The list below indicates the broad types of Hospital and Medical Equipment which can be sourced through Medisystems, with a few representational items listed for each category.
DSSD Items ( Laundry, Kitchen Eqpt., Sterilisers, Autoclaves, etc.)
Medical Gas Systems ( Oxygen Supply, Compressed Air, Suction, etc.)
Hospital Utilities ( Electricals, Bed-Head Panels, Nurse-Call Systems, Intercoms, Standby Power Units, etc.)
Hospital Furniture ( Beds, Tables, Trolleys, Stretchers, Examination Couches, etc.) |
Hospital Holloware ( Stainless Steel Bed Pans, Bowls, Containers, etc.)
Hospital Lighting ( Patient lamps, Mobile & Examination lamps, etc.)
Surgical Equipment ( Operation Tables, Maternity Couches, OT Lamps, etc.)
Surgical Instruments ( Stainless Steel Surgical Instruments, Scalpels, Cutters, Drills, Retractors & Special Purpose Instruments for General Surgery, ENT, Orthopaedic, Cardiac, Neural, Thoracic, Gynaecological, Opthalmological, etc, etc.) |
Medical Equipment ( Table top Sterilisers, Incubators, Infusion and Suction Pumps, Diathermy units, Nebulisers, ENT sets, Sphygmanometers (BP Apparatus), ECG machines, Diagnostic Eqpt., etc.) |
ICU Equipment ( Cardiac Monitors, Centrals, Defibrillators, Pacers, Ventilators, etc.) |
Laboratory and Pharmacy Equipment ( Blood Analysers, Spectrophotometers, Microscopes, Balances, Water Baths, Glass Ware, etc., etc.) |
Emergency Equipment ( Resuscitators, Aspirators, Medical Packs, etc.) |
Ambulance ( Outfitting, Oxygen, Resuscitation, Stretchers, Power, etc.) |
Medical Software ( Hospital Management & Admn., Medical Records, etc.) |
Medical Consumables (a wide range of consumables can now be sourced from Indian manufacturers.) |
Neither the categories listed above nor the items indicated within them, are exhaustive. The actual lists for any hospital project are usually very long and carefully detailed out by the Project Consultants.
For items in X-Ray Eqpt. Anesthesiology Eqpt. & Dental Eqpt. there is a well developed market for direct sourcing. However, we can assist wherever required.
In case the project is still formative and the detailed requirements have not yet been determined, we can also arrange for Hospital Project Consultancy, as also the engaging of Sub-Consultants specialising in related activities such as Structurals, Electricals, Heating Ventilation & A/C Systems, etc.)
In addition to being able to supply items for hospital/medical applications, we can also source & supply a very wide range of items for laboratory & scientific test and electrical equipment made by various manufacturers in India .
Please Contact Us for details or send us your specific enquiries.